Amber Le is a multi-talented producer, sports editor, and event coordinator in the entertainment and sports industry. With a passion for both sports and business, Amber has successfully produced two podcasts, Power Move with Kenya Gipson and The Feature Presentation with DJ Suss One. Power Move delves into the world of sports and business, while The Feature Presentation combines music and movies in a unique and engaging way.

In addition to her podcast productions, Amber also serves as a Sports Editor for WAJ magazine, where she brings her expertise and knowledge to cover the latest sports news and events. Her ability to effectively coordinate events is evident in her work with DJ Suss One, where she organizes the popular Dinner & A Movie experience.

The Beast PR, Amber's brainchild, began two years ago when her colleagues recognized her exceptional talent for connecting the dots in the entertainment and sports industry. With her innate ability to put puzzle pieces together, Amber has created a successful career out of bringing together various elements to create impactful and engaging content and experiences.

Amber's dedication, passion, and knack for bringing people together make her an invaluable asset to any project or endeavor. With her in-depth knowledge of the entertainment and sports industry and her impressive network of connections, she continues to leave her mark in the world of media and events.

mission statement

At The Beast PR, we are on a mission to walk within our purpose and spread messages that revolve around grace, God, and love through the power of public relations. We align ourselves with clients who are dedicated to making a positive impact on the world. By strategically planning and creatively telling their stories, we aim to connect our clients with their audiences in a way that inspires, uplifts, and brings communities together.

With a steadfast commitment to ethics and integrity, we prioritize building relationships that honor the inherent value of every individual. Trust, authenticity, and respect are the cornerstones upon which our partnerships are forged. By guiding our clients through the ever-evolving media landscape, we help them navigate the complexity and noise, enabling them to share their messages with clarity and purpose.

Fueled by our passion for making a difference, we go beyond traditional public relations practices. We strive for extraordinary outcomes that leave a lasting impact on society. With the grace of God as our guiding light, we aim to promote messages of love, compassion, and unity. Through innovation, excellence, and a relentless pursuit of growth, we aim to unlock the full potential of our clients' stories, elevate their voices, and inspire change in a world that resonates with positive messages.

Together, we can unleash the power of public relations to shape a future where grace, God, and love prevail. Join us as we embark on this purpose-driven journey to create lasting transformation for our clients, communities, and the world at large.



If you're eager to discover more about our services and connect with us promptly, simply fill out the form, and a dedicated member of The Beast PR team will be in touch with you shortly.



If you're eager to discover more about our services and connect with us promptly, simply fill out the form, and a dedicated member of The Beast PR team will be in touch with you shortly.

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